A reminder that reflection is an effective way of consolidating learning – we are all lead learners!
How many ppl from #cegsa #flindersedu #aissalearn #lsalearn are blogging today? If you don’t reflect, will you learn as much?
Yes, there was blogging, from Alyssa who was following the session from her home…
And from Vicki who was at the MasterClass
@gcouros You get a mention in my latest blog post “Curiosity. Inspiring it, not squashing it.” vickinewton.wordpress.com #cegsa
George even connected with Year 3 students who were touched by his story about Kobe, his dog.
This is @gcouros after my class watched him on his 140 characters of kindness #cegsa http://pic.twitter.com/5vEHSKHW
There were some exciting quotes from those following from afar and those in the room.
wooooaaaaaa according to my screen #cegsa is trending
RT @southozsue: wooooaaaaaa according to my screen #cegsa is trending
RT @southozsue: wooooaaaaaa according to my screen #cegsa is trending
How do you educate parents if you are not aware yourself? #CEGSA
When we have scared parents we need to join together and OPERATE in that space OURSELVES! Bring them into the school & EDUCATE them! #CEGSA
How are you using Google? @gcouros #cegsa http://pic.twitter.com/Qo3BTeZl
#cegsa Literate—adaptive—transformative – all about the learning for students.
Great key phrase -
Well, it wouldn’t be a George Couros session without at least one mention of Justin Bieber, even if it took 5 hours to appear!
#cegsa ‘What is best for this child?’ should be the first question we ask ourselves when interacting with students
Better to have a short life than to have a long life doing things you don’t like doing #CEGSA
Memes..the ultimate in short story writing #cegsa
@shaunteko @gcouros Just shared your camp video as an example of digital fluency (not just literacy). #cegsa vimeo.com/45174602
RT @tina_p: Are you making the magic happen? @gcouros #cegsa http://pic.twitter.com/PnBV6FiK
Disappointment from those who missed out on a brilliant session with George.
Seriously missed out on the @gcouros masterclass judging by the #CEGSA feed. Good times, people. #resentingcurrentcommitments
Yes, it’s karaoke but with heart and a special message that touched many through laughter, music and bubbles!
Karaoke version of “Feel Inside (and stuff like that)” #cegsa bit.ly/QeqFY5
George had us thinking all the way…
@gcouros @courosa this one struck a chord – Why We Freak Out About Some Technologies but Not Others – #cegsa
wired.com/opinion/2012/11/s… -
Will Richardson ‘My kids are illiterate’ huffingtonpost.com/will-ric… #CEGSA
@gcouros A nice article this week – against keeping kids still at sch -move and learn – its natural – tech helps theinnovativeeducator.blogs… #cegsa
georgecouros.ca/blog/archiv… This post was powerful because it made me stop and think about who I was following and why. #cegsa @gcouros
RT @tina_p: Children see. Children Do. Powerful video shared by @gcouros #cegsa youtu.be/KHi2dxSf9hw
George also had us creating – there was no resisting the squirming in our comfort zones – we were pushed out big time.
here’s mine about.me/jacquiknipe Like that it now connects better with wordpress #cegsa
#cegsa http:// about.me/swoodward 🙂 I love these 🙂
Currently updating my about.me page about.me/vickinewton #CEGSA
Updating my about.me page about.me/lauren.butler #cegsa
Hey #cegsa here is my about.me/shaileighpage Work in progress 🙂
@rachbath @gcouros I have one.. about.me/jlamshed Need a new picture tho.. I look like the Hulk :/ #CEGSA #HULKsmash
Okay here is my about me page, a work in progress about.me/kathy.turley #cegsa
@DrShaileighPage @cailinwigg @teachertechnol can anyone do the about me page that u are all atwitter about? #cegsa
We all made it onto the amazing Australian Educators list that the wonderful Sue Waters has compiled.
Australian Educators list on Twitter #CEGSA bit.ly/SqOjzI
If you want to be added to the “Australian Educators” twitter list, connect with @suewaters #CEGSA bit.ly/SqOjzI
@suewaters Hey Sue, say hi to #cegsa We are currently at an awesome masterclass led by @gcouros PS do you have peace and quiet today?
Sue was online and happy to oblige to requests…
How does George keep a room of educators working hard on a Saturday? By letting us have fun while we are learning!
@laurenjbutler it’s FUN tweeting when we are right next to one another 😉 #cegsa http://pic.twitter.com/hYvFQl1x
Lots of thank yous all through the day.
#cegsa master class thanks to all for sharing your thinking and learning, adds more dimensions to the experience 🙂
#CEGSA we live in exciting times-don’t b afraid .A Day Made of Glass 2: Same Day. Expanded Corning Vision. youtube.com/watch?v=jZkHpNn… via @youtube
Participating from afar, in this case Em’s couch in Canberra! They can’t wait to see George in Canberra.
@oconnor_em Glad you connected today. The #cegsa masterclass with @gcouros was very productive and had us all thinking & creating.
Great to see people continuing their learning from the masterclass after the session. George responds…does he ever sleep?
@VanessaHiser Thanks for keeping with it after the #CEGSA session!
#CEGSA So much learning today, now to think it through while vacuuming 🙁
Looking forward to dinner with some of my twitter education friends tonight. Have not been able to be at the #CEGSA PD this week.
#cegsa Come over to our Facebook page and check out the photos from our Masterclass with @gcouros yesterday facebook.com/cegsa
Reread this post and the comments I shared at #CEGSA and love how ppl come together to support one another #grateful bit.ly/L7pmqp
In case we forget anything, George reminds us of our powerful learning session and he shares it with others who missed out.
Here is the link from the #CEGSA Master Class yesterday: bit.ly/CEGSAmc Twitter, blogging, and digital literacy. #psd70 #cpchat
The learning continues on Twitter!
Played with Tweet Archivist http://www.tweetarchivist.com/71d420de/1/User to see how it works @tina_p @gcouros Interesting #cegsa http://pic.twitter.com/aKt5EQBt
Thanks George for an amazing day! Hope to see you in 2013!